Slap Jack Self Defense Real Leather Slapper - Small 9 Inch

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  • Regular price $34.95

Leather Slapjack weapon aka Sap Blackjack Self Defense Real Leather Slapstick 9" Police Grade public safety accessory! Guard yourself against unwanted advances: only takes one swing or snap of the wrist that'll be sure to keep any attacker at bay. Available in two sizes!

Flattened and weighted leather baton-like devices. The head is filled with a steel or lead slug, and the body has a piece of spring steel - combined, the device is stiff but also has a bit of flex, which helps it make a nice slapping thud when it hits a table or similarly hard surface. You'll be surprised at just how much of a wallop they pack. It's an old and somewhat nostalgic design.

Product Features:

  • Includes leather hand strap
  • Perfect thin concealment
  • Real Leather
  • 9" Long (Real Length 8.5")
  • Leather wrapped Steel Tip, approx. weight 9 oz
  • Made In Taiwan


Please Note: Due to differences from batch to batch, some items may or may not have the "Takedown" script on the handstrap.

DISCLAIMER... The saps we sell are for novelty purposes only and are not meant to be carried for self-defense. So... This item is best used as a paperweight! Actively using items like this will likely result in you getting in some trouble. In some areas, they may even be illegal - so check your local laws and regulations (I'm not responsible for doing that, you are). That said... Know your local laws, and don't be a dumbass!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Maria Halper
Slap Jack

I used to have one years ago but someone at a car dealership stole it out of my console, I have always missed having it & so happy I've found again!! I Love It & it's the perfect self defense slapper!!